Ogdensburg, NY, United States
Posted on
Mar 04, 2022
**MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***. is seeking a full-time emergency medical physician to join our growing team at Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center in Ogdensburg, New York. The facility has an annual volume of 16,174 with 10 emergency department beds, medium acuity and 130 hospital beds. The facility has 24 hours of physician coverage per day and 10 hours of advanced practice clinician coverage per day. For more than 40 years, our history and national footprint in emergency medicine allows us to achieve the highest standards in care, informed by decades of evidence-based data. To that end, we've created robust risk management programs to help our clinicians feel confident in their work. We harness a nationwide collection of tools, clinical resources and collective knowledge for our emergency medicine clinicians who provide the best for their patients.Position Highlights:Excellent compensation with sign-on bonus Professional liability insurance with tail coverage Access to **MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***.'s clinician wellness program Association with a leading physician practice in the U.S. Stability of a respected industry leader Access to professional development tools, educational resources and CME through **MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***. Institute Leadership and growth opportunities to further your career,validThrough:2022-03-26T23:59:59-05:00,employmentType:FULL_TIME,directApply:true,hiringOrganization:{@type:Organization,name:**MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***.,sameas:****Full Color 360x180 (002).png},identifier:{@type:PropertyValue,name:**MEMBERS ONLY**SIGN UP NOW***.,value:1020934},jobLocation:{@type:Place,address:{@type:PostalAddress,addressCountry:US,addressLocality:Ogdensburg,addressRegion:New York}}}
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