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"Energy healing is really broad. There are different schools of thought in energy healing, just like there are different schools of thought in psychology. I define energy healing as using the awareness of the energy field to help people with their physical and psychological issues."

-Gilda Ronnen, Holistic Psychotherapist/Energy Healer

According to ancient Japanese, Chinese, and Indian traditions, every human has an energy field around them called an aura, euphoric body, energy field, or electromagnetic field. Energy healers use their energy and the energy fields of clients to heal physical and psychological problems. Energy healers are guided by a spiritual higher intelligence and direct or change energy where it is needed in a client. The process involves various hand positions and movements to influence the flow of energy. It is a noninvasive and completely benign technique for healing the mind and the body.

Energy healing is a broad term that refers to any approach that uses an awareness of the energy field for healing. This chapter will discuss energy healing in general and cover common types of energy healing such as reiki, therapeutic touch, and polarity.


"There is energy in everything. You have probably noticed that when you are with someone who is stressed out and their energy is high; you might feel agitated being around them. Our energy fields are interacting all the time."

-Gilda Ronnen, Holistic Psychotherapist/Energy Healer

The philosophy of energy healing is based on the belief that energy fields exist in all living things, including plants, animals, and humans. Health comes from clear and free flowing energy throughout the body. The body's energy is affected by food, air, sleep, thoughts, and emotions. When a person's energy is clear and flowing, the body and the mind are healthy. When the energy is low, blocked, or disrupted, the physical organs and tissues will be adversely affected. Negative thoughts and feelings play a strong role in the flow of one's energy and overall health.
From this philosophy, the mind and body are seen as one. Energy healers believe the mind exists not only in the brain, but throughout the whole body. The mind extends to every part of the body through the central nervous system, circulatory system, and endocrine system. The brain is constantly sending and receiving messages to and from the body, creating the mind/body connection. This connection explains the influence of thoughts and feelings on physical health. Energy healers also believe that mind/body energy exists in a subtle energy Meld extending approximately two to three feet outside the body. This field surrounding the body is often referred to as the aura. Negative thoughts collect and disturb energy in the aura and in locations throughout the body. The physical organs existing in these locations are hampered by the restriction of energy flow and illness results.

Finally, many energy healers believe that a higher power, higher intelligence, or a God guides the functioning of the universe. Energy healers often use a sense of spiritual guidance to help them in their work with clients. From this perspective, the energy flow is guided by a higher power and can work on the unconscious parts of the mind/body that are inhibiting energy flow.

Types of Clients and Problems

"The nature of diseases has changed from the 1950s with debilitating diseases like polio responding well to drugs. Now there are so many more stress-related and chronic diseases such as heart disease and fibromyalgia. Energy healing in conjunction with the medical profession can really help."

-Gilda Ronnen, Holistic Psychotherapist/Energy Healer

Energy healing focuses on improving a client's energy flow, rather than treating specific symptoms or diseases. Thus, people with a wide range of physical and psychological problems seek energy healing. Energy healers often see clients with physical problems not associated with a particular disease. They treat clients with fatigue, digestive problems, headaches, body aches, insomnia, frequent colds and flu, stress-related problems, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Many people who haven't been helped by mainstream medicine turn to energy healers as an alternative. Clients also include healthy people who are seeking more energy or want to prevent illness by clearing their energy fields. Finally, people with serious health problems such as cancer, AIDS, and heart disease seek energy healing as a complement to traditional medical treatment. Energy healing is used to enhance the healing process, reduce pain, and minimize side effects of medical intervention. Since energy healing is focused on clearing the energy fields rather than curing one symptom, it can help clients with any health problems.

Energy healers treat problems of the mind and body and see clients with a variety of psychological complaints such as anxiety, stress, irritability, and depression. Many times, blocked or low energy can manifest as a psychological problem; vice versa, a psychological problem can create low energy and physical health problems. Although they are not trained therapists, energy healers explore these issues because of the connection between mind, body, and energy field. Often when an energy healer is working with a client, emotions are released. Together a client and healer can explore how these emotions might be affecting overall health.

Energy healing is appropriate for men and women of all ages, although more women than men seek energy healing. It is not necessary for clients to understand or believe in energy healing philosophies to receive benefits, although many people who seek energy healing have some knowledge about mind/body principles.

Types of Care Rendered

"I perceive energy through my five physical senses and through my expanded high sensory perception. I begin by aligning my intention with the good, the light, the divine, and I connect with the client's energy field. If we are working on the table, I can have my hands on the client or just over the body. Some clients are relaxed and almost asleep and others can be very interactive."

-Gilda Ronnen, Holistic Psychotherapist/Energy Healer

Energy healers have their own techniques for working with clients, but they all focus on using energy to heal. Typically, energy healers will spend the beginning of a first session talking with a client about current health problems, lifestyle, stress, and reason for seeking help. After discussion, the client can remain sitting or lie down, fully clothed, on a comfortable table. Energy healers start by grounding and centering themselves to clear their minds of personal thoughts. Many healers try to connect to a spiritual essence of universal energy. Energy healers do not use their own energy to heal because it would be too draining. Thus, they rely on channeling energy from a higher power, spiritual essence, universal energy, or God.

When they are ready, they start by observing the energy field of the client. Energy healers develop high sensory perception to assess their client's energy fields. They look for blockages or disturbed energy fields and transmit clear and calming energy through placing their hands in certain positions along the body. Practitioners may place their hands on certain points of the body, or may hold their hands a few inches away from the client. There is no pressure applied to a client, and healers use their hands to transfer energy from the universal energy field to a client's problem areas. A typical session lasts one hour. The length of treatment varies from client to client, depending on need. Most people find these sessions deeply relaxing.

Similar to acupuncture, energy healers believe there are certain points on the body that act as channels for the universal energy to flow in and out of the body. These points are called chakras. Chakras are energy centers that run along the spine, and each chakra corresponds to different emotional states. A typical form of energy healing is to use a sequence of hand positions starting at the top of a client's head and working down the body along these points. There are seven chakras running along the spine. The first is at the base of the spine and is associated with governing the physical body and health. The second is located in the womb area and governs creativity and emotions. The third is located at the solar plexus and is associated with will and desire. The fourth is the heart chakra, which is connected to emotion and human love. The fifth is located at the throat and influences communication. The sixth is found in the mid-forehead and is connected with thought, vision, and spiritual love. The seventh is at the crown of the head and opens up to the divine or God. It is common for energy healers to focus on these seven energy points during treatments, although this is only one approach to working with a client's energy field.

"There are other things I can do to facilitate an energetic change. If I am sitting with a client and I notice a lot of agitation, which happens frequently in the third chakra, I can create a very calming energy in the palm of my hand and gently transmit a stream of calm energy into the person."

-Gilda Ronnen, Holistic Psychotherapist/Energy Healer

It should be noted that energy healing is typically not a substitute for appropriate medical care or psychotherapy. It is often used as an adjunct to other forms of medical care, or to treat problems that have not been helped by other methods.

Forms of Energy Healing


One of the most popular forms of energy healing in the United States is reiki energy healing. Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of healing. The word reiki comes from two Japanese words, "rei" and "ki." Rei refers to the higher intelligence or power that guides the universe. Ki refers to the energy fields that exist in all living things. Reiki practitioners channel spiritual energy to heal physical, spiritual, and psychological problems. There is no use of massage or pressure, and reiki practitioners place their hands in certain positions on or above the body to transmit spiritual energy to the client.


Therapeutic touch is a form of energy healing that has become popular with the nursing profession. Similar to other forms of energy healing, practitioners place their hands two to four inches above a client's body and transmit or manipulate the energy field to help heal specific health problems. Practitioners pass their hands over the body from head to toe in broad sweeping motions. Nurses use therapeutic touch to relieve stress and pain and to increase the healing process.


Polarity therapy is a form of energy healing developed by Dr. Randolph Stone, a chiropractor, osteopathic physician, and naturopath. Polarity is based on the belief that mental, physical, and emotional conditions are reflected in one's energy field. Polarity's goal is to stimulate and balance the energy field to heal health problems. A polarity therapist works with clients to address energy blockages and may use body work, exercise, diet, and self-awareness exercises to promote health.

Polarity therapy is different from the other energy healing methods because it does not have a spiritual focus. Polarity has a scientific view that the body is a source of both positive and negative energy resulting in energy currents and pulses running throughout the body. When the positive and negative flow of energy is unbalanced, health problems can occur. In working with a client, a polarity therapist may use light touch, deep pressure, or rocking motions to balance a client's energy. The act of manipulating and balancing the energy is seen as the source of healing.

Employment Settings and Working Conditions

Most energy healers are in a private or group practice where they see clients individually for consultations. They work in professional, clean, comfortable offices, or have offices out of their homes. The work setting is typically a relaxed, quiet environment that is spacious enough to hold a padded table.

Energy healers can be found working with other holistic care practitioners such as acupuncturists, naturopaths, and massage therapists. Some energy healers are trained in a number of healing modalities and combine their training to use energy healing along with psychotherapy or massage therapy. Since energy healing can be used for any health problem, other health care providers incorporate it into their work.

As entrepreneurs, energy healers have the responsibility for running their businesses. Their success depends greatly on their ability to advertise and market their services. They also handle all financial aspects including billing, record keeping, and taxes.
Being self-employed allows energy healers the freedom to organize their schedules and work lives. They create their own hours and have control over how many clients they wish to see each week. Although they create their own schedules, they also must meet the needs of their clients, so some energy healers work evening or weekend hours.

Energy healers also find other settings and avenues for their work. Some make additional income by teaching at energy healing schools or by offering apprenticeships to aspiring energy healers. Some offer workshops or group sessions for additional income and marketing. A small number can be found working in hospitals or clinics as an adjunct to mainstream medicine.

"I know some hospitals give patients the option to have fifteen minutes of reiki therapy before going into surgery. I have worked with people postoperatively, and energy healing works well with minimizing side effects and speeding up the healing process."

-Gilda Ronnen, Holistic Psychotherapist/Energy Healer

The Profession

Energy healing is currently unregulated. There are no licensing or national requirements for practicing energy healing. Some states have regulations, but there is much confusion on how to regulate these occupations. In some states it is considered a form of massage therapy, and massage therapy guidelines are followed. Other states have no guidelines. This means anyone can open an energy healing practice and call him or herself an energy healer. This creates pro's and con's for the field. On the positive side, it is easy for practitioners to open a practice, and there is great flexibility and creativity in the work. The difficulty is in setting baseline standards for the profession, and without licensure energy healing will have a harder time gaining credibility. Currently the professional organizations provide the best guidelines for certification, adequate training, and practice standards.

Training and Qualifications

"It is a unique path to becoming a healer. Just as there is a healer for everybody, I think there is a school for everybody. My path was to go to many different schools; the key is to know yourself and what works for you. Think about it holistically and look at the triangle of mind/body/spirit. See what you need to develop and find a school that offers it."

-Gilda Ronnen, Holistic Psychotherapist/Energy Healer

Training in energy healing varies greatly depending on individual interests and specialty areas. There are many different schools and training programs on each of the energy healing modalities: reiki, polarity, and therapeutic touch. Training can range from a two-day reiki training workshop to years of study. Many of the training programs for energy healing are nontraditional, with courses offered over several weeks, weekend training, summer sessions, and apprenticeships. Many require home study or correspondence courses in addition to training sessions and practical experience. Accreditation and certification vary from program to program. Many programs are accredited by the field's main professional association. For example, the American Polarity Therapy Association accredits training schools that require at least 155 hours of training and meet their standards for practice. It is recommended that individuals interested in energy healing training contact professional associations in their area of interest for more information.

There are several areas of knowledge important for energy healers to learn and to look for in programs. One is grounding in anatomy and physiology. It is important to learn where things are in the body so the connection between the energy points and the physical organs can be made. In addition, a background in psychology is helpful since energy healing can trigger emotional releases in clients. Learning basic counseling skills will help in working with clients. Specific training on energy fields and energy healing techniques is essential to gain an understanding of the intellectual, physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of energy.

In addition to training, many energy healers find it helpful to maintain their own physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Since energy healers transfer energy through their own energy fields, it is helpful if their fields are free from toxins and negative energy to reduce transferring them to clients. A healthy diet, yoga, meditation, and other activities can help an energy healer maintain a healthy energy field.

Job Outlook and Salary

It is difficult to assess the job outlook and salary for these occupations. It appears these fields are growing as they are organizing into professional associations and making their way into mainstream medical settings. Customer demand will likely continue to drive the growth of these occupations as more people seek alternatives to health care.

Salary depends greatly not only on the ability of the practitioner to market his or her services, but on the ability of the client to pay. Typically, energy healing is not covered by medical insurance, so clients pay out of pocket for services. Practitioners can charge anywhere from $40 to $70 per session, depending on their background, training, and the market for their services. Some geographic areas will have more demand for holistic services than others, so practitioners should consider geography when opening a practice.
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