Plastic surgeons are known to spend a lot of hours in the surgery room. Some of their duties include reducing breast sizes or even lifting eyebrows. Whatever they are doing that day, they are required to have precision and leadership skills to lead their team.
When the surgeon isn't in the surgery room, they are consulting with patients inside of their offices. They are required to evaluate them and see if their desires are reasonable and realistic. It is sometimes required of the plastic surgery doctor to turn down the requests of a patent if it is unachievable.
Other than providing surgeries and consultations, the plastic surgeon is required to follw up with the patients they have worked on to see how they are progressing through their post surgery.
Just like in any medical field, it is required that the surgeon stays on top of things in their industry. They are required to stay abreast of any new developments in the field and learn about the latest research or techniques out there today. They can find this in medical journals and scientific publications.
Running and plastic surgery practice can take up a lot of the time of the surgeon as well. They are required to hire new staff members, complete paperwork and ensure that their office space is secure and safe.