For starters, you will need to obtain the right education to begin a career in radiology. You can begin your training while you're still in high school by taking classes in math and science. You can even volunteer to work at a blood bank or hospital in your town; this will help you to get the hands on training and knowledge needed to begin a career in the field of medicine. After you graduate from high school, you will have to obtain a bachelor's degree and then go on to medical school that is accredited. Once you graduate, you will have an MD degree.
In the end, you will have to take and pass an exam to get your state license to practice. You will have to complete an internship that takes one year. Then a four year residency must also be completed. You can then continue your education to obtain a specialty, such as mammography, diagnostic radiology and radiation oncology.
You will receive your certificate to as a radiologist when you obtain your MD degree. Before you begin your internship, you will have to take the state license examination. Then after you finish your fellowship, you will be able to gain certification through the board. You can then obtain continuing education units to keep your certificate current. Certificates expire every decade.