When it comes to the SDMS, or Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, it is required that to get into the sonography field, you must graduate from a Diagnostic Medical Sonography program or a Cardiovascilar Technology program that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, also known as CAAHEP. It isn't required to have a bachelor of science degree to work as a diagnostic medical sonographer, but some employers prefer to hire sonographers who hold one within the field. You can obtain this degree by attending training programs in universitites and colleges. Some practical training programs are available from the Armed Forces, vocational schools and hospitals. You are required to have a high school diploma or GED in order to get into these programs.
In order to work in sonography, you must have the knowledge and ability to use sonographic equipment, while being able to garner the right information from the equipment you'll be using. You will have to communicate your findings to physicians, patients and other health care personnel. You will have to be able to work in emergency situations and deal with the public regularly. Hand and eye coordination is also vital to work as a diagnostic medical sonographer.