You will need to do a bit of research within your state to find out what the requirements are for phlebotomy training. In some states, you can go to the Red Cross to train as a phlebotomist, but this only occurs at specific times during the year. Then you begin working for them after you complete the training. Or you can attend a school that offers training in this area and then begin working in a variety of places, such as clinics or hospitals. You will also be required to process the specimen that you collect for testing. Each tube you draw blood into will have different colors for different testing procedures. The tubes are made to automatically suck blood.
If you would like to work in phlebotomy, you will need to find out if the employers you're interested in require you to have a certificate or not. There isn't a national certification requirements that are required for working in this field. So one state may find certification necessary, while employers in another state won't mind, as long as you have experience.
Quality Certification
If you are unable to obtain information or recommendations for work, you can go to AMT, or American Medical Technologists, for certification. The program offered is comprehensive and will teach you everything you need to know to enter into and work in phlebotomy.