The preceptors are midwives that have been licensed by the state to teach individuals and observe clinical skills while preparing them to enter into the practice independently. It isn't always simple to find midwifery preceptors, but here are a few ideas that will help you to find one.
Step One: The first thing you could do is check with natural birth groups to see if they know of any that you can use. Within these groups, you will find mothers who are known for working with midwives who will help them to give birth in their homes. They find it best to work with a midwife. You can search around for these natural birth groups online or by asking local birth professionals.
Step Two: The next thing you could do is to check with groups of childbirth educators, also known as doulas. Since the birth network is usually pretty tight, they are known for keeping in touch with each other. They will likely refer you to a couple that you can use.
Step Three: You can also go to a local certified nurse midwives that work in hospitals and clinics and see if they are able to recommend a midwifery preceptor to you.
Step Four: You can take a look at the website to MANA, or Midwives Alliance of North America. Here, you will be able to find midwives that are around the nation. They may be able to help you find a preceptor or point you in the direction where you can find one.