Quantitative Overload is condition of having too much work to do in the time available. And Qualitative Overload which involves not so much work to do but work that is too difficult. An overload worker can develop stress conditions and worst burn-out sometimes temporary and sometimes affected throughout the career. In reversed a work under-load was just as stressful as work overload.
Job stress is a chronic disease caused by conditions in the workplace that negatively affect an individuals performance and or overall well-being of his body and mind. One or more of a host of physical and mental illnesses manifests job stress. In some cases, job stress can be disabling. During the career if need arises in chronic cases a psychiatric consultation is required to validate the reason and degree of work related stress.
A worker, when under a stress condition could lead to a dramatic physiological change takes place inside his or her body. High level of adrenalin is released from the adrenal glands leading to increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Extra sugar is released to the blood stream which leads to further physical illness. A prolonged stress may lead to psychosomatic disorders and physiological damage.
It is therefore important to recognize any work related stress which mainly manifested in any given situation such as; the costly effects reflected in a lower productive efficiency, reduced employees motivation drive, absenteeism, turnover, tardiness and physical ability to perform. In order to determine a job stressed worker, the Supervisor should know its symptoms. Common symptoms of a stress worker includes insomnia, loss of mental
concentration, anxiety, absenteeism, depression, substance abuse, extreme anger and frustration, conflict in the family and lastly, physical illnesses such as heart disease, migraine, headaches, stomach problems, and back problems.
For worker who suffers from a stress conditions, this tip will help you survive the problem and live longer with a happy life. For long term effect, one must be continually prepared for changes occurred in your company.
Spend more quality time for yourself and with your family. Avoid giving into vices while under constant stress. In case of chronic stress consult a health professional. Reduce workplace stress by celebrating yours or your colleague's accomplishments. Improve your line of communication, efficiency and learn from others experiences.
Don't be complacent. Burn-Out an advanced stress conditions caused primarily by the accumulated stresses of overwork. Burn-out employee may develop any of these three distinct stages. First is the emotional exhaustion with a feeling of being drained and empty. Second is Cynicism and the lack of sensitivity towards others. And lastly, futility which is developing a feeling that all the effort put forth previously was wasted and worthless.
Therefore, in work places where stress is common, one must simply stress out from work. Sit straight and comfortably on your seat, and take breathing exercises. It will relax your nerves and muscles. Relax and count backwards (20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15….).Try creative visualization.