Inspector, Health Care Facilities
Inspects health care facilities, such as hospitals, nursing homes, sheltered care homes, maternity homes, and...
Health Officer, Field
Investigates reported cases of communicable diseases and advises exposed persons to obtain medical treatment and to prevent...
Director, Community-Health Nursing
Administers nursing service in community health agency. Coordinates and evaluates nursing activities in agency to ensure balanced and adequate program, and to formulate progressive program designed to meet changing needs of community. Directs collection, analysis, and interpretation of statistics significant to program planning and budget preparation. Prepares and submits budget estimates for nursing activities. Participates in establishing programs for guidance and professional development of nursing staff, and in establishing personnel policies, qualifications, and salaries. Recruits, selects, and assigns personnel for nursing services. Plans nursing consulting services. Participates in community planning concerning health and social welfare problems. Consults with advisory committee in establishment of medical policies of community health agency.
Inspector, Health Care Facilities
Inspects health care facilities, such as hospitals, nursing homes, sheltered care homes, maternity homes, and day care centers, to enforce public health laws and to investigate complaints. Inspects physical facilities, equipment, accommodations, and operating procedures to ensure compliance with laws governing standards of sanitation, acceptability of facilities, record keeping, staff competence qualifications, and ethical practices. Reviews reports concerning staffing, personal references, floor plans, fire inspections, and sanitation. Recommends changes in facilities, standards, and administrative methods in order to improve services and efficiency, utilizing knowledge of good practices and legal requirements. Advises applicants for approval of health care facilities on license application and rules governing operation of such facilities. May testify at hearings or in court. May compile data on conditions of health care facilities, for use in determining construction needs in community or region.
Health Officer, Field
Investigates reported cases of communicable diseases and advises exposed persons to obtain medical treatment and to prevent further spread of disease. Locates and interviews exposed person, using information obtained from records of state or local public health departments and from individual already under treatment for communicable disease. Advises person to obtain treatment from private physician or public health clinic. May take blood sample to assist in identifying presence of disease in suspected victim. Questions exposed person to obtain information concerning other persons who may have received exposure. Conducts follow-up interviews with patients and suspected carriers. Writes report of activities and findings. Visits physicians, laboratories, and community health facilities to stimulate reporting of cases and to provide information about government-sponsored health programs concerning immunization efforts, VD control, mosquito abatement, and rodent control.