Becoming a medical physician is a lengthy procedure. Most medical physicians started off one day working as a certified nursing assistant or a medical assistant. From there they went to medical school. To get into medical school it is usually required to take the Medical College Admission Test or MCAT. Besides graduating from medical school an aspiring medical physician has to do a board exam and become licensed. Seven years of graduate studies are just the start of an adult life of learning. The next step is participating in a physician resident program. This is where a specialty is learned. Some examples of specialties are emergency medicine, internal medicine, family practice, orthopedic surgeon, obstetrics, and pediatrician.
Most doctors make a lot of money but they work more hours than the average employee. On average, medical physicians work about sixty hours a week. Most medical physicians do not work a nine-to-five job. Some medical physicians work set hours. These are the doctors who work in a plasma center or a dialysis center, or the doctors who are hired to be on a job site for a certain amount of time. The majority of the medical physicians experience this career quite different from the set-hours-scenario. Days working in the wards of hospitals sometimes seem to be never ending. The medical physician does not go home until the last patient is seen. An emergency situation with just one patient can make it necessary that a physician lengthens his visit to the hospital with five or six hours and all personal plans need to be cancelled. Babies do not always wait till morning and being called in to the hospital in the middle of the night is not an exception. The physicians’ wife needs to be very patient. The income of a good physician is very rewarding and makes up for the inconvenience of his irregular and surprising schedule and his lengthy education. Good physicians make six figure salaries and the first number is not necessarily a one.
Medical physicians use computer programs for their records. It is essential that a medical physician is computer literate. He puts information in a patient’s file electronically and he uses the computer for his personal research, ongoing education, and finding jobsites.
Medical physicians are constantly studying to keep up with new discoveries, medications, and therapies. Medical physicians want to make sure that their patients get the very best, always. Without ongoing education he cannot stay on track.