To qualify as a dentist one needs to obtain a Bachelor’s degree and a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree, as well as the proper state licensure. The whole training period takes about eight years, as long as that for a medical doctor. There is also the option to specialize, just as in the medical field, in such practices as Dental Surgery or the rapidly growing field of Cosmetic Dentistry. The practice of dentistry has evolved from basic oral care and the replacement of teeth with a set of dentures to one which now includes expensive and innovative procedures such as tooth replacement and whole mouth reconstruction. The successful cosmetic dentist can make as much money as his medical counterpart, the plastic surgeon.
A dentist almost always works with at least one dental hygienist, a licensed professional, who must complete at least two years of specialized education in their field. The candidate must also pass the National Board of Dental Hygiene Examination in order to obtain their license. The Dental Hygienist is employed to undertake such basic dental procedures as examination and cleaning, performing and interpreting dental x rays and providing patients with general advice about the care of their teeth and gums. This particular field enjoys high rates of employment even in a depressed economy. Many dental hygienists work on a temporary basis through a healthcare recruitment agency and receive a high hourly wage to provide assistance to dental practices in their busiest times. Jobs in this field are not difficult to find for the qualified professional.
A person interested in the practice of dentistry that is perhaps not willing or able to undertake the large amount of education involved in becoming a DDM or dental hygienist may want to consider becoming a dental assistant. Many dental assistants begin their careers in a clerical job with a dental practice, as a records clerk or receptionist, and then obtain much of their training on the job. Some states require that a Dental Assistant also be licensed, and undertake the same continuing education as the dentist themselves. It would be advisable to be clear on the requirements of the particular area in which you intend to seek employment.
There are a number of technical and vocational schools that offer specialized training programs to obtain a Certificate in Dental Assisting. Many offer good financial aid packages andjob placement assistance.
The dental assistant performs tasks such as equipment care, assisting the patient in completing paperwork and dental histories, and helping the Dentist and Hygienist in any way they are asked.
In the modern world, image is everything in many people’s eyes. More and more people are willing to spend thousands of dollars in the pursuit of the perfect smile. Therefore the demand for dental workers of all kinds is increasing at a steady rate. The pay is usually good, and the hours are not as demanding as those of a medical nurse or doctor.
Whatever level of education you wish to pursue, if you have an interest in and aptitude for the practice of dental medicine then the chances of finding continued, satisfying employment are very good.