OBESITY: Have your body mass index calculated periodically from the age 18 to screen for obesity. Adults whose BMI is 30 or above should seek professional help to lose and maintain weight.
BREAST CANCER: Women aged 40 or older should get a mammogram every one to two years. For women aged 20 and older, monthly self-examination is recommended.
PAP: Have a Pap smear every one to three years until the age of 65.
HIGH CHOLESTEROL: Have your cholesterlol checked regularly, starting at age 45. Start screening early if risk factors for heart disease are present or if the disease runs in the family.
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Adults ages 18 and older should be scrrened for high blood pressure every two years for women who have blood pressure lower than 130/85 and at more frequent inervals for people with higherreadings.