EB SIMPLE - is the structural abnormalities leading to separation of the basal cells from the basal membrane when the skin is exposed to friction, trauma or heat. EB simplex is the most common form of FB and is the least serious form of the disease.
JUNCTIONAL EB - is characterized by dissolution of the skin through the basement membrane. Junctional epidermolysis bullosa varies from mild to severe.
Most patients face life-threatening complication infections as the result of malnutrition and anemia. Patients with a milder form of junctional EB are not imposed with lifestyle restrictions.
DYSTROPHIC EB - is the compromise of the anchoring fibrils that hold the epidermis and dermis together. The recessive inheritable types may lead to handicaps and a relatively short and painful life. In some dominant recessive forms, blisters may appear only on the hands, feet, elbows and knees.