There are steps that you can use to help you properly remove and dispose of them. This will ensure that you keep contamination on the inside of the gloves and eliminate the risks of allowing bacteria to spread.
Step One: First, you will need to cuff the exam gloves from the inner wrist. Then begin rolling it down your hand until the glove is inside out. This will have the germs on the inside of the glove instead of the outside now.
Step Two: Now, you will need to grab the inside out removed exam glove with your gloved hand.
Step Three: The exam glove that you still have on, you will need to do the same. Begin rolling down the glove from your wrist until it is off your hand. Meanwhile, you will want to keep the first glove you took off within the glove that you are taking off not. In the end, it will envelop the first glove you took off. Both should be inside out. Now the germs on the gloves are on the inside of the gloves.
Step Four: Next, you will need to get rid of the used gloves by throwing them into the trash right away