First, you will need to find an undergraduate college that has a great reputation in the medical field. It is vital that you get into a school that will help you to get into a medical school program. There are a variety of colleges that have majors in small liberal arts. Research universities are also great options for getting prepared for medical school. Make sure that the school you pick is one that you are comfortable with.
Now, that you have found the school that you wish to attend you need to gain admission. Enroll into a premedical program if you can. There are some schools that offer this as an advising program and others that offer it as a major. You can choose a variety of majors and still get into medical school, so don't feel limited.
You will need to make sure that you have taken the right courses in order to get into medical school, some of which include biology, physics, writing and general/organic chemistry. Medical schools tend to look at your GPA and the science courses that you have.
Take some extracurricular activities. This always looks good on your application. You can get into sports or political groups. Pick something that you enjoy doing. You can even volunteer at a hospital – shadow a doctor.
You will need to register to take the MCAT. You can do this online or go to the pre-med office. You can take this at the end of your junior year of college. This will allow you to begin applying to medical schools while you're a senior.