First, you will need to obtain a high school diploma or GED to enter into an orthopedic technician program. You will be studying in courses like math, biology, chemistry and physics. You should also consider taking these courses while in school, so that you won't have to worry about it later on. You will also need to have a GPA that's at least a 2.5 to enter into most community colleges and universities.
You should begin getting in touch with hospitals, tech schools and community colleges to see if you can find a program to study in. Some of the courses you will take in post secondary school include psychology, medical terminology, physiology and anatomy. You will also learn about various orthopedic techniques. In most cases, it takes about two years to complete. After graduation, you will have to obtain on the job training in a clinical setting, which can be done by completing an externship. Once you complete this, you will be able to take the exam for certification, which is provided by the National Board for Certification of Orthopedic Technologists.
The sooner you begin training for the exam, the easier it will be to pass. Also, make sure that you have completed your externship beforehand. You will have to prove that you've complete two years of full time work experience. You also need to have a certificate before you can take the exam. You can find study guides for the exam online as well, along with other resources.
Now, that you have studied, you will need to study and pass the exam. You can apply to take the exam via the internet on the NBCOT website. You will have to prove that you meet the requirements and will have to show that you have a diploma, certificate and a completed internship.