University of Iowa
This is a top list school for physician assistant training. It has a 4.3 on a 5 scale (according to the ranking by the U.S. News and World Report). The program offered at this school is unique, allowing students to finish 60 percent or more of their work with medical student sophomores. There is an average of 25 students that graduate from this program each year (since 1974). The pass rate for students that take the certification exam since 1974 has been 99 percent. In order to enroll in this university, you will need to have a bachelor's degree from a U.S. accredited school. You must also have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Duke University
The second best school to train for becoming an assistant to physicians is Duke University. It was rated 4.2 out of 5. In this institution, the physician assistant program focuses on the goals of the field for recruiting disadvantaged and minority students who are looking to enter into the career. In order to get into this school, you must have a bachelor's degree from a school that is accredited. You will also have to have at least five biological science courses and two chemistry courses. The program is two years long and was recorded as costing $56,521 as of 2009.
Emory University
Third on the list is Emory University, with a 4.1 out of 5 ranking. To get into this school, you will need to have a bachelor's degree from an accredited school, a GPA that's at least 2.8 and direct patient care experience (2000 hours worth). The cost for this course was $59,033 in 2008. The program takes 28 months to complete.