Stress is one of the top issues that an EAP counselor has to deal with. When employees are stressed, it can spill over into other parts of an individual's life, such as their job. This would in turn lead to reduced productivity, more mistakes, poor judgment and impaired concentration.
Conflicts occasionally arise amongst colleagues (either coworkers or management). The job of the EAP counseling professional is to help resolve these conflicts in the work place by developing a plan that will help everyone work together better.
There have been instances where an EAP counselor is hired by an employer during a time their company is in transition, such as layoffs, new management and department changes. Helping employees with these situations is sometimes required.
The employee assistant program that offers counseling to employees is free to them. The sessions the counselor has with them must be kept confidential. The EAP offers counseling for a short period of time. Then if more counseling is needed over a longer term, the counselor will refer them to someone that can offer those services.
The average annual salary for EAP counselors was around $76,000 and the median is around $60,000.