These types of microscopes come with a light inside that is adjustable through the diaphragm. Learning how to operate a compound microscope takes practice and attention to detail. You can learn to adjust and use a compound microscope, which will enable you to assist with lab work.
Step One: The first thing you need to do with your compound microscope is to set it up. Make sure to set it down on a flat surface; this is where it will work the best. Also, keep the scope leveled at all times.
Step Two: Now, you can plug the microscope plug into an electrical outlet and turn on the internal light.
Step Three: Open the microscope's diaphragm as wide as it can go and turn it clockwise to open the diaphragm and counterclockwise to close the diaphragm. The piece is there for the operation of the light, which hits the slide that is underneath the slide platform.
Step Four: The compound microscope is now ready for specimen. Place a slide that has been prepared, into the platform.
Step Five: Once the slide is in its place, you can take a look into the eyepiece. You can correct the focus by turning the large focus knob, which is usually located on one of the sides of the scope. Keep turning it until you are able to see the slide very clear.
Step Six: Focus your concentration on the slide that you are looking at. To help fine-tune the view some more, simply use the small focus knobs. For example, if you are looking at a stained cell, you can make the view to see the membrane border where the stain is darker. You can use one of the focus knobs for adjusting for a clearer view; keep turning it until you are satisfied with the view.
Step Seven: You can turn the diaphragm counterclockwise to adjust the lighting.
Step Eight: To increase the magnification of the microscope, you can rotate the lens.