A lot of the employers that are looking for professionals in this field want individuals who have completed post secondary schooling from a community college, vocational school or from an online school. There are more schools out there than you know that can offer you the training you need to become a medical transcriber.
Step One: The first thing you need to do is search around for a program that is accredited. They are not required to be accredited, so don't assume that they are -- make sure to ask. The medical transcription program that you choose should be accredited by the ACCP, or Approval Committee for Certificate Programs.
Step Two: If you come across any medical transriber programs that don't offer a basic curriculum, you should eliminate them. Some of the basics that you will need to learn about include medical terminology, English, disease processes and privacy and legal issues. Others you may learn about will include anatomy, transcription, physiology and pharmacology.
Step Three: The program you choose should offer classroom instruction and on-the-job experience that is supervised personnel.
Step Four: Next, you will have to choose how long you want to be in school. You have the option of either studying for two years to obtain an associate's degree or to study for up to a year to receive a certificate as a medical transcriptionist. Once you have a degree or a certificate, you will be able to begin working in the field.