A lot of the health care careers out there are fast growing and easy to get into without enduring years and years in medical school. With just an associate's degree or bachelor's degree you can find a variety of options in the health care field. If you have yet to get a degree or are looking to get career training, you can find a multitude of online schools you can enroll in. You don't have to go through medical school to get a degree, especially with the large variety of fast growing health care careers out there.
Why not become a medical assistant? Being a medical assistant requires you to perform administrative duties in clinics and physician offices. Depending on the office you're working in will determine what type of tasks you will have. Some locations may require you to prepare exam rooms and keep track of patient records. In just one year, you could get certification for medical assisting. Or you can take a 2-year course that will provide you with an associate's degree, but this isn't required to enter into the field.
Maybe you have an eye more focused on being a physical therapist. As a physical therapist assistant, you will help with treating patients while being supervised by a physical therapist. Your job duties would include provides treatments, like massages, exercising and assisting with mobility with the use of ultrasound. Before obtaining a certificate or degree in physical therapy, you will need to check with your state to obtain the requirements. Some may require that you have an associate's degree, which would take 2 years to complete, as well as hands on experience.
Another option is becoming a pharmacy technician. As a pharmacy tech, you would assist pharmacists with the preparation of prescriptions and with office administrative duties. You may also assist with providing health care to patients. Some tasks you may have are answering phones, interacting with customers, preparing labels and counting tablets. Although many employers may not require any certification for this position, some may want applicants to have a certificate, formal training or degree as a pharmacy technician. Most programs take between one and 2 years to complete over the Internet.
Becoming a dental hygienist is another option individuals have for entering into the medical field without medical school. The job duties of a dental hygienist are to provide patients with education on good oral hygiene. Most hygienists only work 35 hours a week or less. This field is increasing in job opportunities, so it is definitely a position that holds some promise. In order to become a hygienist, it is required that you obtain training from an accredited hygiene school. You will then need to pass your state's licensing exam. Some employers may require you to have just a certificate, while others want you to have an associate's degree.