We are all born with the same power to use our minds. The mind is the most powerful of all forces that a human being can ever experience. One can elevate or degrade himself by his own mind. The mind can be our best friend or worst enemy. The mind becomes a friend for which he has control over and becomes an enemy, which is controlled by the mind.
Why is it important to control your mind? An uncontrolled mind is like a wild horse that has a lot of energy and keeps destroying everything in its path, while a controlled mind is like a horse trained. Imagine trying to channel all your mental energy for a task. You will work best if all your mental energy is channeled properly into it.
With a wandering spirit, a person cannot concentrate on their work and often has to face severe conditions and pressure at work. It is true that humans have a very short attention span, but that does not mean we cannot control our mind. The following are some tips that can help control the mind.
Tips on how to control the mind
1. Identify the thoughts that distract you
One of the main reasons you are unable to concentrate or pay attention is because of some ideas that your mind is always pre-occupied in. Give yourself some time, identify the thoughts, and write them down. Once you have noted them, think about whether these thoughts are worrisome to you. Once you do this as a practice, the next time similar thoughts come to you, you start talking about yourself and eliminate the thoughts from your mind.
2. Be conscious of your surroundings
How many times have you heard or read a page of a song or gone down a path without realizing what you read, heard, or saw. This happens to many of us. The best thing to do is to always be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of where you are headed and what you are doing. Be aware of your breathing rate, etc. Once you put this in practice, you will not only be in the present but you will also improve your memory.
3. Throw away negative thoughts
If you had a fight with your boss or spouse or someone said something you do not like, then I suggest you put in the practice called "rejecting negative thoughts." Do this. Close your eyes and visualize the person about whom you have negative thoughts. Once you see the person, start talking to that person. Explain to him/her your position and discuss it clearly. View the entire sequence of events and finally tell yourself that now that have spoken out all your anger and negativity, it will never bother you again.
4. No more stress to yourself
Stress affects not only your body but also your mind. Stress prevents the mind from prioritizing. Once you lose control over the priorities in your life, you no longer have control over your mind. Therefore, you sometimes feel that some tasks are important than others and the next moment you change your mind to focus on something else. This happens because you are unable to decide.
5. Meditate
As food is for the body, so meditation is for the mind. Meditation not only revitalizes, but it also helps you regain control of your mind. Close your eyes and learn to relax. Once in a relaxed state, visualize an object. Once the display is clear, start concentrating on the object. Focus on its appearance, color, shape, all its features, etc. At the beginning of this exercise is very difficult, but eventually you will master it. Meditation helps the mind concentrate.