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In an organizational setting, psychometric assessment refers to the process of measuring a personal cognitive abilities and personality or behavioral style. The assessments employed in this process are powerful tools for the selection, development and management of people as they provide a comprehensive insight into the test takers individual traits, abilities, preferences and behavioral tendencies.
Research has highlighted that the combined approach of testing cognitive ability and personality style is the most effective way to identify people who have the best fit with their position and the organization.
Tips of psychometric assessment
There is much to consider when deciding whether psychometric assessment is a valid option for particular organizational need. The 10 tips below may be useful when trying to identify if, and how, psychometric assessment is the right choice for an organization.
1.Check validity by asking:
- What is the assessment measuring?
- What evidence is there that it actually measures this?
2. Ensure relevancy of norm groups
- Nationality
- English second language
- Cultural considerations
- Job-level
3. For a personality or attitude assessment, does the assessment check response styles, such as faking good?
4. If wanting to use psychometric assessment for selection, only screen employees by using assessments intended for selection.
5. In a selection context, provide candidate feedback after the selection decision is made.
6. Use psychometric assessment as part of the selection process, not a standalone tool.
7. Manage psychometric assessment results with utmost care and confidentiality.
8. Refer to psychologists, trained professionals or reputable research when deciding which assessments to use.
9. Although clinical tools for selection have a place, ensure appropriate advice is sought regarding this practice.
10. Ensure people can complete psychometric assessments in a quiet and suitable location.